Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Field Trip Info and Forms

I hope this message finds you in good health.  It has been a fun couple of weeks.  Our class really enjoyed the Halloween parade and party.  I was happy to see so many parents and family members in attendance.

I have some administrative information to share with you about our upcoming field trips:

Permission Slips

We are going on two field trips very soon.  The San Juan Bautista trip is November 16 and the Peralta Adobe trip is December 9.  Here are links to the permission slips for those trips.  Please send them back as soon as possible.

Peralta Adobe Permission Slip

San Juan Bautista Permission Slip


A total of $13.00 is required for each student to attend these field trips.  Please feel free to include additional funds as a scholarship to assist our struggling families.


We need volunteer drivers for both these field trips.  I know it can be a big imposition on all of your busy work schedules, but I hope you can volunteer to drive for at least one field trip.  Your child will enjoy having you there and best of all, you get to eavesdrop on the conversation during the drive!

If you can drive for either trip, please email me and please include the number of students you will be able to accommodate.  The school district has strict insurance guidelines for volunteer drivers.  Below is a link to the
form you will need to have on file in the school office if you want to drive on field trips for Briones students.

Private Driver Form

Two pieces of paper are necessary – your proof of insurance and this form (field trip private vehicle form). Maria keeps careful track and can help with any details and paperwork. Please check with her if you need help.

If you have a form on file already, you should check to see that it will still be current  on the date you want to drive – insurance expires at odd times.

Following are the directions from the school district about the paperwork involved in being a field trip driver:

When school buses are not used for a field trip and volunteer drivers are utilized, each driver must give evidence of the following:

  1. Valid California Driver’s License
  2. Proof of Insurance ($5,000 medical, $300,000 per occurrence – bodily injury / $100,000 per occurrence - property damage)
  3. Automobile Safety Check (Automobile is current in its maintenance according to manufacturers guidelines and in safe working condition)
  4. Seat belts for each passenger
  5. Car Seats for each student under the age of six and weighing less than 60 lbs.
  6. Driving Record (No DUI or suspension of driving privilege during the last three years)

Thank you for you attention to these forms.  These field trips are not possible without your assistance, or your signature.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Today's Paper Saver